As part of our efforts to combat VoIP Fraud, we provide the ability to limit concurrent channels, and rate of outbound calls, to a number of different types of destination (e.g. All calls, International Calls, and "Hotspot" calls)
The “hotspot” destinations are countries, or destinations within countries, where we have observed a high rate of fraudulent activity and therefore flag (or limit) calls to these destinations for our customers’ protection.
We've received a number of requests from customers asking what these hotspots are - the list changes dynamically and we are unable to provide specific information of what destinations are contained within it at any time as it has the potential to weaken this defence.
Generally, 99% of our customers see very little legitimate traffic to these destinations and our default recommendation of 1 call per 12 hours and a channel limit of 1 are more than adequate, whilst offering the best protection against unwanted calls to these destinations.
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