Status Page Policy
We at Simwood recognise the desire for knowledge by our customers about service affecting Incidents. We choose to provide information about the more serious Incidents, as viewed by us, via an independent service. This is hosted at which is off-net and cannot be affected by any issue on our network.
We use this service to provide information regarding Scheduled Maintenance and also by Outages as defined below. We endeavour to go further than this and provide information about less important Incidents and desire to be able to allow you to consume non-intrusive communications about this within the limitations of the service offered by We recognise that our customers may have a different view of the urgency and seriousness of any given situation.
The decision to make a Status Page announcement will be based on our internal policies for such matters and this document is only a guideline to our customers. An incident may be considered as an Outage if it is:
a failure that causes calls to not complete due to a fault within our network
a material reduction of service in an availability zone e.g. New York, London, Slough
All other Incidents are not classified as an Outage and may not be treated in the same way.
During an Outage we will endeavour to:
make an announcement on the Status Page
provide a guideline as to when a fix or another update will be made
provide broad information on the reason for that Outage
Our priority is to solve Incidents ordered by their potential impact. The timing of any initial and subsequent updates will be governed by many factors but we are working towards providing a consistent approach to this.
Other Incidents may also be notified via the Status Page although we are less likely to do so for non-call related services, ancillary and supporting services and services likely to affect a small minority of customers.
Where Incidents are not reported by the Status Page, they may be commented on through other customer communications channels.
“RFO” Handling
Where a Status Page announcement is made, broad details of root cause, effect and treatment may be made during the Incident and / or at closure.
We occasionally receive requests for RFOs. A request for a RFO (Reason For Outage) does not mean that we agree that an Outage, as we define it, has occurred. We will endeavour to provide such additional information as requested but do not consider ourselves under an obligation to do so.
If we produce feedback for an Incident, it may be reported through other customer communications channels.
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