We're aware that, despite having a general idea of the channel capacity needed on your account, anyone can experience a high-volume traffic burst at any time, and as such we offer the capabilities to occasionally burst past channel limits, provided other customers are not affected.
Where it is viable to do so - when the network is otherwise relatively quiet and wholly available - our accounts will allow for the possibility to burst past channel limits and not see limitations come into effect. Because this is such a dynamic system it should not be relied upon as a safe place to run your account, and can be considered "Below best efforts". The table below can be used as a reference for how we treat channel limits on different account types:
Service Level | Primary Channel Limit | Backup Channel Limit | Usage Beyond Limit |
Developer | Best efforts | n/a | n/a |
Start-Up | Best efforts | n/a | Below best efforts |
Virtual Interconnect | Reserved | Best efforts | Below best efforts |
Managed Interconnect | Reserved | Best efforts | Below best efforts |
Please note: None of the above affects the quality of routing used, simply the priority given to the call being allocated a channel. The above also assumes 100% network availability, in the event of a major outage that wipes out our pre-planned headroom, we will reduce Primary Channel limits by a factor; this is why higher tier accounts have a notion of Primary and Backup channels.
Given that our channel limits are also a fraud mitigation feature, there’s a few exceptions to this relaxation:
- Account rate limits do not change, only channel limits
- Account channel limits for international calls default to the primary channel limit.
You can edit this as required - Trunk channel limits continue to work as you define them;
it is only the account-level channel limits that will be relaxed.
Article reviewed March 2019.
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